Ordered |
IntStreamSubject.containsAtLeast(int first,
int second,
int... rest) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object firstExpected,
@Nullable java.lang.Object secondExpected,
@Nullable java.lang.Object @Nullable ... restOfExpected) |
Checks that the actual iterable contains at least all the expected elements or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeast(E first,
E second,
E @Nullable ... rest) |
Checks that the subject contains elements that correspond to all the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
LongStreamSubject.containsAtLeast(long first,
long second,
long... rest) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
MapSubject.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Ordered |
MapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable E v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the map does not contain at least the given set of keys mapping to values that
correspond to the given values.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the multimap does not contain at least the given key/value pairs.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable E v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the multimap does not contain at least the given key/value pairs.
Ordered |
PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject.DoubleArrayAsIterable.containsAtLeast(double[] expected) |
Ordered |
PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.FloatArrayAsIterable.containsAtLeast(float[] expected) |
Ordered |
StreamSubject.containsAtLeast(@Nullable java.lang.Object first,
@Nullable java.lang.Object second,
@Nullable java.lang.Object @Nullable ... rest) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
IntStreamSubject.containsAtLeastElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsAtLeastElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expectedIterable) |
Checks that the actual iterable contains at least all the expected elements or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsAtLeastElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Object[] expected) |
Checks that the actual iterable contains at least all the expected elements or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeastElementsIn(E[] expected) |
Checks that the subject contains elements that correspond to all the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeastElementsIn(java.lang.Iterable<? extends E> expected) |
Checks that the subject contains elements that correspond to all the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
LongStreamSubject.containsAtLeastElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
StreamSubject.containsAtLeastElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain all of the given elements.
Ordered |
MapSubject.containsAtLeastEntriesIn(java.util.Map<?,?> expectedMap) |
Fails if the map does not contain at least the given set of entries in the given map.
Ordered |
MapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeastEntriesIn(java.util.Map<?,? extends E> expectedMap) |
Fails if the map does not contain at least the keys in the given map, mapping to values that
correspond to the values of the given map.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.containsAtLeastEntriesIn(Multimap<?,?> expectedMultimap) |
Fails if the Multimap does not contain at least the entries in the argument Multimap .
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsAtLeastEntriesIn(Multimap<?,? extends E> expectedMultimap) |
Fails if the map does not contain at least the keys in the given multimap, mapping to values
that correspond to the values of the given multimap.
Ordered |
IntStreamSubject.containsExactly(int @Nullable ... varargs) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object @Nullable ... varargs) |
Checks that a subject contains exactly the provided objects or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactly(@Nullable E @Nullable ... expected) |
Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
LongStreamSubject.containsExactly(long @Nullable ... varargs) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
MapSubject.containsExactly() |
Fails if the map is not empty.
Ordered |
MapSubject.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.
Ordered |
MapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable E v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of keys mapping to values that
correspond to the given values.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.containsExactly() |
Fails if the multimap is not empty.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the multimap does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactly() |
Fails if the multimap is not empty.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object k0,
@Nullable E v0,
@Nullable java.lang.Object... rest) |
Fails if the multimap does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.
Ordered |
PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject.DoubleArrayAsIterable.containsExactly(double[] expected) |
Ordered |
PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.FloatArrayAsIterable.containsExactly(float[] expected) |
Ordered |
StreamSubject.containsExactly(@Nullable java.lang.Object @Nullable ... varargs) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
IntStreamSubject.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Checks that a subject contains exactly the provided objects or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Object @Nullable [] expected) |
Checks that a subject contains exactly the provided objects or fails.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<? extends E> expected) |
Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactlyElementsIn(E @Nullable [] expected) |
Checks that subject contains exactly elements that correspond to the expected elements, i.e.
Ordered |
LongStreamSubject.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
StreamSubject.containsExactlyElementsIn(@Nullable java.lang.Iterable<?> expected) |
Fails if the subject does not contain exactly the given elements.
Ordered |
MapSubject.containsExactlyEntriesIn(java.util.Map<?,?> expectedMap) |
Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of entries in the given map.
Ordered |
MapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactlyEntriesIn(java.util.Map<?,? extends E> expectedMap) |
Fails if the map does not contain exactly the keys in the given map, mapping to values that
correspond to the values of the given map.
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.containsExactlyEntriesIn(Multimap<?,?> expectedMultimap) |
Fails if the Multimap does not contain precisely the same entries as the argument
Multimap .
Ordered |
MultimapSubject.UsingCorrespondence.containsExactlyEntriesIn(Multimap<?,? extends E> expectedMultimap) |
Fails if the map does not contain exactly the keys in the given multimap, mapping to values
that correspond to the values of the given multimap.