Class MapSubject

    • Constructor Detail

      • MapSubject

        protected MapSubject​(FailureMetadata metadata,
                             @Nullable Map<?,​?> map)
        Constructor for use by subclasses. If you want to create an instance of this class itself, call check(...).that(actual).
    • Method Detail

      • isEqualTo

        public final void isEqualTo​(@Nullable Object other)
        Description copied from class: Subject
        Checks that the value under test is equal to the given object. For the purposes of this comparison, two objects are equal if any of the following is true:
        • they are equal according to Objects.equals(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
        • they are arrays and are considered equal by the appropriate Arrays.equals(long[], long[]) overload
        • they are boxed integer types (Byte, Short, Character, Integer, or Long) and they are numerically equal when converted to Long.
        • the actual value is a boxed floating-point type (Double or Float), the expected value is an Integer, and the two are numerically equal when converted to Double. (This allows assertThat(someDouble).isEqualTo(0) to pass.)

        Note: This method does not test the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) implementation itself; it assumes that method is functioning correctly according to its contract. Testing an equals implementation requires a utility such as guava-testlib's EqualsTester.

        In some cases, this method might not even call equals. It may instead perform other tests that will return the same result as long as equals is implemented according to the contract for its type.

        isEqualTo in class Subject
      • isEmpty

        public final void isEmpty()
        Fails if the map is not empty.
      • isNotEmpty

        public final void isNotEmpty()
        Fails if the map is empty.
      • hasSize

        public final void hasSize​(int expectedSize)
        Fails if the map does not have the given size.
      • containsKey

        public final void containsKey​(@Nullable Object key)
        Fails if the map does not contain the given key.
      • doesNotContainKey

        public final void doesNotContainKey​(@Nullable Object key)
        Fails if the map contains the given key.
      • containsEntry

        public final void containsEntry​(@Nullable Object key,
                                        @Nullable Object value)
        Fails if the map does not contain the given entry.
      • doesNotContainEntry

        public final void doesNotContainEntry​(@Nullable Object key,
                                              @Nullable Object value)
        Fails if the map contains the given entry.
      • containsExactly

        public final Ordered containsExactly​(@Nullable Object k0,
                                             @Nullable Object v0,
                                             @Nullable Object... rest)
        Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.

        Warning: the use of varargs means that we cannot guarantee an equal number of key/value pairs at compile time. Please make sure you provide varargs in key/value pairs!

        The arguments must not contain duplicate keys.

      • containsExactlyEntriesIn

        public final Ordered containsExactlyEntriesIn​(Map<?,​?> expectedMap)
        Fails if the map does not contain exactly the given set of entries in the given map.
      • containsAtLeastEntriesIn

        public final Ordered containsAtLeastEntriesIn​(Map<?,​?> expectedMap)
        Fails if the map does not contain at least the given set of entries in the given map.
      • comparingValuesUsing

        public final <A extends @Nullable Object,​E extends @Nullable ObjectMapSubject.UsingCorrespondence<A,​E> comparingValuesUsing​(Correspondence<? super A,​? super E> correspondence)
        Starts a method chain for a check in which the actual values (i.e. the values of the Map under test) are compared to expected values using the given Correspondence. The actual values must be of type A, the expected values must be of type E. The check is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
           .containsEntry(expectedKey, expectedValue);
        where actualMap is a Map<?, A> (or, more generally, a Map<?, ? extends A>), correspondence is a Correspondence<A, E>, and expectedValue is an E.

        Note that keys will always be compared with regular object equality (Object.equals(java.lang.Object)).

        Any of the methods on the returned object may throw ClassCastException if they encounter an actual value that is not of type A or an expected value that is not of type E.

      • formattingDiffsUsing

        public final <V extends @Nullable ObjectMapSubject.UsingCorrespondence<V,​V> formattingDiffsUsing​(Correspondence.DiffFormatter<? super V,​? super V> formatter)
        Starts a method chain for a check in which failure messages may use the given Correspondence.DiffFormatter to describe the difference between an actual value (i.e. a value in the Map under test) and the value it is expected to be equal to, but isn't. The actual and expected values must be of type V. The check is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
           .containsExactly(key1, foo1, key2, foo2, key3, foo3);
        where actualMap is a Map<?, Foo> (or, more generally, a Map<?, ? extends Foo>), FooTestHelper.formatDiff is a static method taking two Foo arguments and returning a String, and foo1, foo2, and foo3 are Foo instances.

        Unlike when using comparingValuesUsing(<? super A, ? super E>), the values are still compared using object equality, so this method does not affect whether a test passes or fails.

        Any of the methods on the returned object may throw ClassCastException if they encounter a value that is not of type V.
