Truth is a library for performing assertions in
Truth is owned and maintained by the Guava team. It is used in the majority of the tests in Google’s own codebase.
For more information, see our introduction and other docs.
Interface Summary Interface Description Correspondence.BinaryPredicate<A extends @Nullable Object,E extends @Nullable Object> A functional interface for a binary predicate, to be used to test whether a pair of objects of typesA
satisfy some condition.Correspondence.DiffFormatter<A extends @Nullable Object,E extends @Nullable Object> A functional interface to be used format the diff between a pair of objects of typesA
.CustomSubjectBuilder.Factory<CustomSubjectBuilderT extends CustomSubjectBuilder> ExpectFailure.SimpleSubjectBuilderCallback<S extends Subject,A> A "functional interface" forexpectFailureAbout()
to invoke and capture failures.ExpectFailure.StandardSubjectBuilderCallback A "functional interface" forexpectFailure()
to invoke and capture failures.FailureStrategy Defines what to do when a check fails.Ordered Returned by calls likeIterableSubject.containsExactly(java.lang.Object...)
lets the caller additionally check that the expected elements were present in the order they were passed to the previous calls.Subject.Factory<SubjectT extends Subject,ActualT> -
Class Summary Class Description BigDecimalSubject Propositions forBigDecimal
typed subjects.BooleanSubject Propositions for boolean subjects.ClassSubject Propositions forClass
subjects.ComparableSubject<T extends Comparable<?>> Propositions forComparable
typed subjects.Correspondence<A extends @Nullable Object,E extends @Nullable Object> Determines whether an instance of typeA
corresponds in some way to an instance of typeE
for the purposes of a test assertion.CustomSubjectBuilder In a fluent assertion chain, exposes one or more "custom"that
methods, which accept a value under test and return aSubject
.DoubleSubject Propositions forDouble
subjects.DoubleSubject.TolerantDoubleComparison A partially specified check about an approximate relationship to adouble
subject using a tolerance.Expect ATestRule
that batches up all failures encountered during a test, and reports them all together at the end (similar toErrorCollector
).ExpectFailure A utility for testing that assertions against a customSubject
fail when they should, plus a utility to assert about parts of the resulting failure messages.Fact A string key-value pair in a failure message, such as "expected: abc" or "but was: xyz."FailureMetadata An opaque, immutable object containing state from the previous calls in the fluent assertion chain.FloatSubject Propositions forFloat
subjects.FloatSubject.TolerantFloatComparison A partially specified check about an approximate relationship to afloat
subject using a tolerance.GuavaOptionalSubject Propositions for GuavaOptional
subjects.IntegerSubject Propositions forInteger
subjects.IntegerSubject.TolerantIntegerComparison A partially specified check about an approximate relationship to aint
subject using a tolerance.IntStreamSubject Propositions forIntStream
subjects.IterableSubject Propositions forIterable
subjects.IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence<A extends @Nullable Object,E extends @Nullable Object> A partially specified check in which the actual elements (normally the elements of theIterable
under test) are compared to expected elements using aCorrespondence
.LongStreamSubject Propositions forLongStream
subjects.LongSubject Propositions forlong
subjects.LongSubject.TolerantLongComparison A partially specified check about an approximate relationship to along
subject using a tolerance.MapSubject Propositions forMap
subjects.MultimapSubject Propositions forMultimap
subjects.MultisetSubject Propositions forMultiset
subjects.ObjectArraySubject<T extends @Nullable Object> A Subject forObject[]
and more genericallyT[]
.OptionalDoubleSubject Propositions for Java 8OptionalDouble
subjects.OptionalIntSubject Propositions for Java 8OptionalInt
subjects.OptionalLongSubject Propositions for Java 8OptionalLong
subjects.OptionalSubject Propositions for Java 8Optional
subjects.PathSubject Assertions forPath
instances.PrimitiveBooleanArraySubject A Subject forboolean[]
.PrimitiveByteArraySubject A Subject forbyte[]
.PrimitiveCharArraySubject A Subject forchar[]
.PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject A Subject fordouble[]
.PrimitiveDoubleArraySubject.DoubleArrayAsIterable A partially specified check for doing assertions on the array similar to the assertions supported forIterable
subjects, in which the elements of the array under test are compared to expected elements using either exact or tolerant double equality: seePrimitiveDoubleArraySubject.usingExactEquality()
.PrimitiveFloatArraySubject A Subject forfloat[]
.PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.FloatArrayAsIterable A partially specified check for doing assertions on the array similar to the assertions supported forIterable
subjects, in which the elements of the array under test are compared to expected elements using either exact or tolerant float equality: seePrimitiveFloatArraySubject.usingExactEquality()
.PrimitiveIntArraySubject A Subject forint[]
.PrimitiveLongArraySubject A Subject forlong[]
.PrimitiveShortArraySubject A Subject forshort[]
.SimpleSubjectBuilder<SubjectT extends Subject,ActualT> In a fluent assertion chain, exposes the most commonthat
method, which accepts a value under test and returns aSubject
.StandardSubjectBuilder In a fluent assertion chain, an object with which you can do any of the following: Set an optional message withStandardSubjectBuilder.withMessage(java.lang.String)
.StreamSubject Propositions forStream
subjects.StringSubject Propositions for string subjects.Subject An object that lets you perform checks on the value under test.TableSubject Propositions forTable
subjects.ThrowableSubject Propositions forThrowable
subjects.Truth The primary entry point for Truth, a library for fluent test assertions.Truth8 Deprecated. Instead of this class's methods, use the identical methods declared in the mainTruth
class.TruthFailureSubject Subject forAssertionError
objects thrown by Truth.TruthJUnit Provides a way to use Truth to perform JUnit "assumptions."