Interface MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M extends Message>

  • public interface MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M extends Message>
    Fluent API to perform detailed, customizable comparison of Multimaps containing protocol buffers as values. The same comparison rules are applied to all pairs of protocol buffers which get compared.

    The keys of these maps are treated as ordinary objects, and keys which happen to be protocol buffers are not given special treatment. They are compared with Object.equals(java.lang.Object) and Object.hashCode() as documented by the Multimap interface.

    Methods may be chained in any order, but the chain should terminate with a method that doesn't return a MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion, such as containsExactlyEntriesIn(<?, ? extends M>) or containsEntry(java.lang.Object, M).

    The state of a MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion object after each method is called is left undefined. Users should not retain references to MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion instances.

    • Method Detail

      • ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringFieldAbsenceForValues()
        Specifies that the 'has' bit of individual fields should be ignored when comparing for equality.

        For version 2 Protocol Buffers, this setting determines whether two protos with the same value for a field compare equal if one explicitly sets the value, and the other merely implicitly uses the schema-defined default. This setting also determines whether unknown fields should be considered in the comparison. By ignoringFieldAbsence(), unknown fields are ignored, and value-equal fields as specified above are considered equal.

        For version 3 Protocol Buffers, this setting does not affect primitive fields, because their default value is indistinguishable from unset.

      • ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues()
        Specifies that the ordering of repeated fields, at all levels, should be ignored when comparing for equality.

        This setting applies to all repeated fields recursively, but it does not ignore structure. For example, with ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues(), a repeated int32 field bar, set inside a repeated message field foo, the following protos will all compare equal:

         message1: {
           foo: {
             bar: 1
             bar: 2
           foo: {
             bar: 3
             bar: 4
         message2: {
           foo: {
             bar: 2
             bar: 1
           foo: {
             bar: 4
             bar: 3
         message3: {
           foo: {
             bar: 4
             bar: 3
           foo: {
             bar: 2
             bar: 1

        However, the following message will compare equal to none of these:

         message4: {
           foo: {
             bar: 1
             bar: 3
           foo: {
             bar: 2
             bar: 4

        This setting does not apply to map fields, for which field order is always ignored. The serialization order of map fields is undefined, and it may change from runtime to runtime.

      • ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringExtraRepeatedFieldElementsForValues()
        Specifies that, for all repeated and map fields, any elements in the 'actual' proto which are not found in the 'expected' proto are ignored, with the exception of fields in the expected proto which are empty. To ignore empty repeated fields as well, use comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues().

        This rule is applied independently from ignoringRepeatedFieldOrderForValues(). If ignoring repeated field order AND extra repeated field elements, all that is tested is that the expected elements comprise a subset of the actual elements. If not ignoring repeated field order, but still ignoring extra repeated field elements, the actual elements must contain a subsequence that matches the expected elements for the test to pass. (The subsequence rule does not apply to Map fields, which are always compared by key.)

      • usingDoubleToleranceForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingDoubleToleranceForValues​(double tolerance)
        Compares double fields as equal if they are both finite and their absolute difference is less than or equal to tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues​(double tolerance,
                                                                                         int firstFieldNumber,
                                                                                         int... rest)
        Compares double fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingDoubleToleranceForFieldsForValues​(double tolerance,
                                                                                         Iterable<Integer> fieldNumbers)
        Compares double fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingDoubleToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues​(double tolerance,
                                                                                                   Iterable<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptors)
        Compares double fields with these explicitly specified fields using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingFloatToleranceForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingFloatToleranceForValues​(float tolerance)
        Compares float fields as equal if they are both finite and their absolute difference is less than or equal to tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues​(float tolerance,
                                                                                        int firstFieldNumber,
                                                                                        int... rest)
        Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingFloatToleranceForFieldsForValues​(float tolerance,
                                                                                        Iterable<Integer> fieldNumbers)
        Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> usingFloatToleranceForFieldDescriptorsForValues​(float tolerance,
                                                                                                  Iterable<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptors)
        Compares float fields with these explicitly specified top-level field numbers using the provided absolute tolerance.
        tolerance - A finite, non-negative tolerance.
      • comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> comparingExpectedFieldsOnlyForValues()
        Limits the comparison of Protocol buffers to the fields set in the expected proto(s). When multiple protos are specified, the comparison is limited to the union of set fields in all the expected protos.

        The "expected proto(s)" are those passed to the method at the end of the call chain, such as containsEntry(java.lang.Object, M) or containsExactlyEntriesIn(<?, ? extends M>).

        Fields not set in the expected proto(s) are ignored. In particular, proto3 fields which have their default values are ignored, as these are indistinguishable from unset fields. If you want to assert that a proto3 message has certain fields with default values, you cannot use this method.

      • ignoringFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringFieldsForValues​(int firstFieldNumber,
                                                                          int... rest)
        Excludes the top-level message fields with the given tag numbers from the comparison.

        This method adds on any previous FieldScope related settings, overriding previous changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field numbers are ignored, and all sub-messages of type M will also have these field numbers ignored.

        If an invalid field number is supplied, the terminal comparison operation will throw a runtime exception.

      • ignoringFieldsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringFieldsForValues​(Iterable<Integer> fieldNumbers)
        Excludes the top-level message fields with the given tag numbers from the comparison.

        This method adds on any previous FieldScope related settings, overriding previous changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field numbers are ignored, and all sub-messages of type M will also have these field numbers ignored.

        If an invalid field number is supplied, the terminal comparison operation will throw a runtime exception.

      • ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues​(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor firstFieldDescriptor,
                                                                                    Descriptors.FieldDescriptor... rest)
        Excludes all message fields matching the given Descriptors.FieldDescriptors from the comparison.

        This method adds on any previous FieldScope related settings, overriding previous changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field descriptors are ignored, no matter where they occur in the tree.

        If a field descriptor which does not, or cannot occur in the proto structure is supplied, it is silently ignored.

      • ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> ignoringFieldDescriptorsForValues​(Iterable<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor> fieldDescriptors)
        Excludes all message fields matching the given Descriptors.FieldDescriptors from the comparison.

        This method adds on any previous FieldScope related settings, overriding previous changes to ensure the specified fields are ignored recursively. All sub-fields of these field descriptors are ignored, no matter where they occur in the tree.

        If a field descriptor which does not, or cannot occur in the proto structure is supplied, it is silently ignored.

      • reportingMismatchesOnlyForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> reportingMismatchesOnlyForValues()
        If set, in the event of a comparison failure, the error message printed will list only those specific fields that did not match between the actual and expected values. Useful for very large protocol buffers.

        This a purely cosmetic setting, and it has no effect on the behavior of the test.

      • unpackingAnyUsingForValues

        MultimapWithProtoValuesFluentAssertion<M> unpackingAnyUsingForValues​(TypeRegistry typeRegistry,
                                                                             ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry)
        Specifies the TypeRegistry and ExtensionRegistry to use for Any messages.

        To compare the value of an Any message, ProtoTruth looks in the given type registry for a descriptor for the message's type URL:

        • If ProtoTruth finds a descriptor, it unpacks the value and compares it against the expected value, respecting any configuration methods used for the assertion.
        • If ProtoTruth does not find a descriptor (or if the value can't be deserialized with the descriptor), it compares the raw, serialized bytes of the expected and actual values.

        When ProtoTruth unpacks a value, it is parsing a serialized proto. That proto may contain extensions. To look up those extensions, ProtoTruth uses the provided ExtensionRegistry.

      • containsEntry

        void containsEntry​(@Nullable Object expectedKey,
                           @Nullable M expectedValue)
        Fails if the multimap does not contain an entry with the given key and a value that corresponds to the given value.
      • doesNotContainEntry

        void doesNotContainEntry​(@Nullable Object excludedKey,
                                 @Nullable M excludedValue)
        Fails if the multimap contains an entry with the given key and a value that corresponds to the given value.
      • containsExactlyEntriesIn

        Ordered containsExactlyEntriesIn​(Multimap<?,​? extends M> expectedMultimap)
        Fails if the map does not contain exactly the keys in the given multimap, mapping to values that correspond to the values of the given multimap.

        A subsequent call to Ordered.inOrder() may be made if the caller wishes to verify that the two Multimaps iterate fully in the same order. That is, their key sets iterate in the same order, and the corresponding value collections for each key iterate in the same order.

      • containsExactly

        Ordered containsExactly​(@Nullable Object k0,
                                @Nullable M v0,
                                @Nullable Object... rest)
        Fails if the multimap does not contain exactly the given set of key/value pairs.

        Warning: the use of varargs means that we cannot guarantee an equal number of key/value pairs at compile time. Please make sure you provide varargs in key/value pairs!